Our Governance

YAS was established by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) in 2011 to provide a platform for innovative young professionals from all areas of academia, business, third sector organisations and public life, to work together to address the most challenging issues facing society in Scotland and beyond.

YAS operates within the organizational structure of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scottish Charity No. SC000470.  A YAS Advisory Group made up of YAS members and RSE Fellows provides support and guidance to the Young Academy of Scotland about its membership, strategy, management and work programme.

The YAS Advisory Group also acts as the primary channel of communication between YAS and the Council of the RSE, advising the RSE Council on issues impacting on YAS’ operation and its effectiveness.

The work of YAS is supported by two members of staff, employed by the RSE:

Morven Chisholm, Young Academy Manager
Marie Montondo, Senior Young Academy Officer

Their contact details can be found here.

Facilitating Group

The Facilitating Group (FG) oversees the strategic direction of YAS and is accountable to members for the operations of YAS. The FG is composed 4-5 YAS co-chairs, collectively responsible for membership, YAS events, work programme, communications, external engagement, and finance.

Facilitating Group members are elected by and from YAS’s membership, and each co-chair serves for 2 years. The current YAS co-chairs are:

Jamie Cooke

Jamie Cooper-Higgins
Portrait of FG member Iain Donald.
Iain Donald

Josie Fullerton

Savan Qadir

Member Spotlight

Join Us

We recruit new members every 2 years. Our next recruitment round will open in January 2024.